All IQ tests are under proprietary licences, and so are the conversion tables used to convert raw in to T or scaled scores. These tables cannot be publicly shared in any way. At LCBC, we have taken the time to punch the conversion tables and store them locally and secure on our servers. To be able to use the functions in this package, you will need such a table, and we cannot provide you with it unless you work for us.
The tables we have are punched as is in the tables that
accompany the test materials. First column is the name of the
(all subtests should be in the same table), then
comes Age
(as in the book, for children as in the book
meaning 7 years and 3 months). The remaining column
names should be the Score
(as in the table), and the cell
contents the raw scores. For ranges, only add in the lowest number, the
functions in this package will fill out the range when numbers are
functionsThe iq
functions are quite complex to use, as there is
quite a lot og logistics that need to work for them scores to be derived
from the raw data. Firstly, since both T and Scaled scored require age
for conversion, this has to be available, for every raw subtest score,
there must be an accompanying age to do the conversion. Secondly, to be
able to do the conversion, a conversion table must be supplied, and must
have the specifications described in the Conversion tables
sections Once you have converted raw to T or Scaled scores, they can be
combined, and then they must be converted again using other tables (in
the standard Conversion tables format). At minimum two separate tables
are needed to go from raw to full-scale IQ.