Using the MOAS-package for LCBC custom functions


The Nephew of all Spreadsheets (NOAS) data is a database with research data from LCBC’s projects. The {noasr} R-package is created with the intent to share common operations/functions people may use on the NOAS, in order to get the data into the shape they need. This vignette is intended to showcase some of the functions currently available in the package that people may wish to use.

How to use the package

Basic usage

After the package is installed, the package needs to be called in every script or R instance to make it’s functions available.


The package needs data from the NOAS to work. These data must usually contain at minimum the columns subject_id, project_id and wave_code, and a substantial amount of functions also rely on the age colum being present.

Function documentation

Like all R-functions, the {noasr}-package functions have documentation that may be accessed by typing a question mark in the console, and the function you want to know more about.

# Base R

# MOAS functions

The filter_site() function

The filter_site() function is intended for use when you wish to reduce double and triple scanned data to a single line from one of the scanners. This is necessary for all analyses not using the site as a variable of interest. To run the function, you must choose which scanner you wish to keep data from.

There are four options:
1. “long” - finds which scanner there is most data from, and keeps those (default) 2. “ousAvanto” - keeps Avanto data
3. “ousSkyra” - keeps Skyra data
4. “ourPrisma” - keeps Prisma data

If you choose the ‘long’ option, you also may specify the tie option, in case there is a tie for how many scans of each a participant has. By default the tie is set to “interval” where is will look for the scanner that has been used for the longest period of time. Again, here you may specify any one scanner and that will be picked.

Lastly, if there is a tie for scanner also when taking into account the interval, site_order takes a string vector specifying the order of priority for scanners. By default it is c(“ousPrisma”, “ousSkyra”, “ousAvanto”), meaninggiven a tie still, it will firstly pick a Prisma scan if its there, if no Prisma it will choose Skyra, and lastly Avanto.

Note: the operation only affects double and triple scan timepoints. All participants retain the same amount of time points, but number of rows per double/triple scans is reduced to one.

simple_data = filter_site(data, "long", tie = "interval", site_order = c("ousPrisma", "ousSkyra", "ousAvanto"))
simple_data = filter_site(data, "ousAvanto")
simple_data = filter_site(data, "ourPrisma")

Pipe ( %>% ) compatibility

All MOAS functions are pipe compatible, and should thus easily be incorporated into tidyverse-type syntax.

simple_data = data %>% 
  filter(project_id %in% c("MemC","MemP")) %>% 
  na_col_rm() %>% # see section on Utility functions

Utility functions

Some functions in the {noasr}-package are what we call utility functions. They do not exclusively work on NOAS, they will work well on other data.frames or vectors. These functions perform operations to help clean up data or perform simple and useful operations.

The na_col_rm() function

This function locates any column in a data.frame that has no observations (only contains NA or NaN), and removes it from the data.frame. This particularly convenient if you have subsetted the rows of data to specific observations, and want to quickly remove any columns that no longer are of consequence for the data you have.

data2 = data %>% 
  filter(Project_Name %in% "NCP") %>% 